Once an addict…..

Jose Padron

Mission San Gabriel grounds keeper Jose Padron. Sharing some of the wine he’s made from the vines at the mission while sitting with me under the Mother Vine. Photo:Walt Fogler-Mancini, Pasadena Star-News.

Somethings you cannot escape. Whether it’s a matter of inherent tendencies and proclivities, or “catching the bug”, very seldom is one able to completely and permanently forswear a passion.

So is the case with me and wine and wine making.

For the past few years, I’ve been propagating some cuttings from the Mother Vine at the Mission San Gabriel. I became involved in the effort after visiting the mission in December of 2011.

The plan was to install a historically accurate demonstration vineyard.

We consulted several sources and Mitchell Hearns-Bishop of the L.A. County Arboretum was a great help.

This past week, the seven vines we planted a couple months ago were dedicated.
The Pasadena Star-News was there. There are some lower resolution videos (#1, #2 and #3) of me talking about the project and the vineyard along with some photos and an article available on line.

I may have bombarded the reported with too much info so she got some key factoids wrong, but don’t hold it against her.

The sign at the side of the demonstration vineyard gives the correct information:


My name appears a lot in the article, but I really think much credit goes to Chuck Lyons who runs the gift shop and oversees the historical elements of the Mission. Additionally, Jose Padron, the grounds keeper I have had the most contact with deserves much praise for the constant work he does with the property and the Mother Vine.

He makes pretty good wine too.


Father, husband, physician, amateur guitarist, wine lover, wine writer, wine grower and wine maker trying to do it all within eye shot of downtown Los Angeles. http://www.shutupandmakewine.com http://twitter.com/Dr_Arthur_P
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